FAMILY NIGHT FRIDAY: ANGELS & DEMONS (and humans too i guess)

The angels and demons in this universe are basically just like your typical angels and demons because I am an uncreative moron that doesn’t know how to build a coheisive world or write a good story. But let’s have some fun here anyways. The humans are also there lol. They are also just humans.


Their powers, their ranks, and their responsibilities

In this universe, there is no one single “God”. There are multiple higher powers that rule Heaven and the other ranks work for. Heaven is beatufil and everything is pretty laid but the higher power angels are strict. The angels in this universe work similar to those in the Bible (I think idk I've never read the whole thing lol). Just yk, minus the God thing. All the ranks and stuff are the same. That bright blue/cyan color hair is common in angels, but it isn’t the only color hair they can have. Angels can sense each other out while on Earth, but have a shield that potects them from being found out by demons. ★NOTE!: The Dearests felt something off about Cy. They knew that That specific blue hair was a common trait with angels, but angels are smart enough to disguise that. So to them, either this kid was a really dumb angel, or a normal human kid that just so happened to dawn the same color hair as an angel. GF did not suspect anything from him though. She thought he was a normal human boy with a crazy ass hair color. On Earth, an angel’s powers are extremely limited, especially if they are a lower rank. But if a God were to come down to Earth they would have zero restrictions since thet’re yk GOD.


And so forth. There's way too many. But this is basic enough.


Their powers, their ranks, and their responsibilities

In Hell, unlike Heaven, there is one main higher power that everyone is under. Even though they have a ruler, it is basically anarchy. Satan allows any and all chaos to ensue. That mf is useless lmao. In hell, there is no living normally. There is only war. The place is an absolute dumpster fire. Literally. Think like Hazbin Hotel but a lot less nice and more chaotic.

★NOTE!- The chaos that is living hell is one of the reasons why the Dearest left. They cared far too much for their daughter, and didn’t think raising her there would be safe. Plus, it was way easier to become famous on Earth. The wretched beast of Hell couldn’t care less if you had a passion for music and wanted to be a superstar or rockstar. That isn't saying that they weren't succesful in Hell but yk. Idk.

Well okay, there is SOME normal living in hell. But not like humans on Earth normal living. What’s it like? I dont kno yet. I’ll update this section when I figure it out lol. There aren’t really any “ranks”, but there are demons that are inferior and demons that are yk more than that. Since the demons aren’t protectors of any sort, they aren’t given any “tasks” to go to Earth. Unlike angels where that’s basically ALL they do. They can just go to Earth and fuck shit up for like no reason if they want to.

Speakin of that, demon powers are NOT limited on Earth if they are in their demon forms. But if they’re in a human disguise then their powers are limited slightly.


Angels and Demons do not live in harmony on Earth. Most reside in their respective places; Heaven and Hell. But there are Angels and Demons on Earth…for some reason. For both parties, only those of a certain power level can move from Heaven/Hell to Earth with ease. If a demon or angel of lower power wanted to or needed to go to Earth, they would have to be assissted by/ordered to go by one with higher power. For example, the Dearest family, consiting of Mommy Mearest, Daddy Dearest and their daughter who until we get into the portion where she is married and shit, we’ll refer to as Girlfriend. Since the parents were already demons of higher power, it was easy for them to move to earth. But what about Cy? How did Cy’s angel mother get to Earth? Was she also a being of higher power that could easily travel from Heaven and Earth? No, lol. In fact, she was the opposite.

okay, now this section is kinda different. We're getting into some more character shit. Buckle up.


“Junko” was originally a normal lower tier rank angel. In Bible terms, she would be in the Archangel class. “Junko” was originally a normal lower tier rank angel. In Bible terms, she would be in the Archangel class. Because she was lower tier, she found the tasks she was given very boring. Though with her tasks, she was able to interact with Earth, just not how she liked. She wanted to have a physical body there and actually interact with the humans, but she was only an overseer. Her main task was to watch over her designated area of Earth. She was given a part of the small city of Takayama, Japan. Instead of focusing on protecting the area and watching over it, she would watch the humans. She often got in trouble for this with the higher ups. She grew tired of it. She wanted to go on Earth with a physical body, not watch it all day. But she wasn’t powerful enough to go without permission. But she tried it anyway. And got caught lol. This got her in hyuuuge trouble with the higher ups and was banned from going down to Earth at all for a while. This didn’t stop her from trying again. The gates to travel from Heaven and Earth were guarded by two high tier angels. There were hundreds, millions even of angels going in and out of this gate constantly. So Junko devised a plan to sneak past the guards and higher ups by trying to blend in with the other angels that were going through. When the day came to execute her plan, she walked behind a higher up and the lower tier that they were guiding to the gate. She had almost got through until one of the other higher ups recognized her as the slack that tried to escape the first time and the guards went after her. She ran to the gate, forcefully pushing past every angel that tried to stop her. She successfully made it to the gates and ran until

she fell.

It was an excruciatingly long fall from Heaven. But she made it. She crashed into Earth and landed in a very familiar setting; Japan. This part is already longer than it needs to be so let's wrap it up. On Earth she meets Haruto Aidoru, a sweet and funny human boy. The two fall in love and stuff and they started dating (this is years down the line of course). Sometime later, maybe like in her late 20’s or early 30’s idk she became pregnant with the man, the myth, the boyfriend: KYO.


We’ve already gone into his backstory, but we didn’t go into depth into the angelic bit.
Angels and Humans are NOT meant to procreate. Same with demons and angels and demons and humans yk tha vibe. When they mix, it causes a few issues in the offspring. Case and point: Kyo Aidoru. Aka CY aka Boyfriend aka dumbass.

For the most part, Cy functions as any other human. He did inherit some powers from his angel mother though. Cy would actually be very powerful if he knew how to control them…but he doesn’t. So they’re more of a inconvience kinda. Except it’s a good inconvience? I’ll explain it in a minute. Because Cy is technically a human man, his angel side and his human body don’t mix very well. His human body cannot properly hold his angelic abilities. When his powers are used/activated he can only use so much because of the amount of energy it uses. Typically it causes him to grow very tired to the point of fainting or feeling completely weak to where he can barely stand. It could also cause him physical pain like body aches and headaches. These symptoms are worse since he has little to no control over when he gets a power surge. He never learned how to fully control his powers as a child because his mother was so secretive about them. For a while he didn’t even know he had any because his mother took so long to tell him he was more than just a human. Since angels are protectors, his powers typically show when he senses someone (specifically someone he cares about) is in danger or is in need of protection. This is why it's kinda a “good inconvenience”. He is able to protect people, but unfortunately at the cost of his own health.


Now i didn’t know how to properly segway into this part so we’re just gonna get into it this way: Cy has wings.

ANAMOLY PT. 2: i can’t believe cy fucking died.

Normal angels don’t feel pain at all. When they’re in their physical forms on Earth, they can feel pain, but it is extremely minimized. For example, if an angel got shot in the head on Earth the most reaction they’d give is a disgruntled “ouch”. But there is ONE exception: the birth of an angel’s wings. Angels aren’t born with their wings. They have to “sprout” them. The wings will grow inside the angel before tearing through their flesh as fully grown wings. This is painful for them. It’s like a show of strength to be able to endure such extreme levels of pain. It was not nearly as painful as it would be for, say, a HUMAN MAN. This process happens when the angel is young, but since Cy is a defect he got his wings much much later in life than he was meaning to. This is a good thing tho. If he would’ve experienced that type of pain as a child he definitely would have died LMAO.

Cy’s wings sprouted unexpectedly when he was 20 years old. It started off with back pain that got worse and worse throughout the day. He completely brushed it off at first until the pain became so severe that he could barely walk. That night, he and Lolita went to bed expecting this terrible pain to be gone in the morning. That was until Lolita was woken up by the screams and cries and pleading coming from her boyfriend. She found him in the bathroom lying in a pool of his own blood, clinging to life with two huge blood covered wings coming out his back. That night forever left her traumatized. He ended up fucking dying lol. The pain was far too much for his human body and he completely lost conciousness. That’s the end no family au goodbye.

Nah I'm jus kiddin’. Lolita called his mom and she came and saved his life. Junko may be a bitch who hates her son but she doesn’t hate enough to let him die (tho she almost did not show up the night it happened lol). Unfortunately for him, his wings were completely usesless. One of his wings were too small and the other was too big, meaning he couldn’t fly with them. Therefore he went through all that pain and torture and literally DIED for nothing. He did get some very cool scars on his back from them. Except they’re not cool. They fucking suck. They never fully heal and they open and bleed any time Cy uses a lot of his power.


Honestly there’s not much to put here. Lolita is just another demon. She isn’t human at all. As stated in document 1, she stays in her human form a lot because it’s just what she’s used to/likes.

★FUN FACT: With their human forms, DD and MM can disguise their teeth in their human forms but Lolita cannot because she doesn’t know how, hence why even in her human form her sharp demon teeth are still visible.

Lolita is extremely powerful but not as powerful as her parents. Because she likes to play dumb she doesn’t make it obvious how powerful she actually is. She is more powerful than she lets on. Unlike Cy, Lolita does have control over her powers and knows how to use them very well. She doesn’t really ever use them, especially now with her kids around and stuff.




Out of the three children, she is the most powerful because she is more demon than angel and it SHOWS. Because she is a human child, the mixing of the two causes many complications for her, just like Cy except worse since she’s a mixture of two entities that aren’t supposed to mix. The human body cannot easily contain the amount of power a typical demon holds. Especially one as powerful as Lolita. Because of this, ALL of her abilities are extremely unstable and uncontrollable.

When she was a baby, she seemed completely normal until her teeth came in SHARP. Obviously this was concerning to the parents, but they didnt worry too much at the time. Then more things started happening. Purple rashes, complaints of headaches, crazy mood swings for toddlers. She was extremely easily angered and would throw constant tantrums when she didnt get her way. The demon in her also caused her to naturally have that gremlin mentality and the urge to wreak havoc for entertainment. Then finally her demon form is revealed and it all makes sense.

So at around 5 or 6 Lola’s demon form finally show’s itself when at school she got into an altercation with a student that turned into a fight. The extreme emotion she was feeling caused her to transform and what not. For days afterward, she was stuck in the form because she didn’t know how to get out of it. The fear and the stress being in the form were extreme enough to keep her in the form. Eventually with the help of her kind twin brother, he got her to calm down which made it go away. After it was gone, Lolita had explained to her and the other children why that had happened to her.

Her powers are linked with her emotions, so the angrier she got, the more likely you were to have a screaming demon child on your hands. This made her extremely difficult to control because she’s such a little brat and the parents couldn’t give her everything she wanted to shut her up ALL the time. Controlling Lola’s irrational anger problems and impulsive behavior is something the parents still have to deal with even though it’s a little less difficult now that she’s 7. Lolita gave her the whole rundown of why she is the way she is and all that jazz, so the kid understands a little and she tries her best. But she’s still a kid, so her explosive tantrums will ocassionally become a problem for the parents


Now, even though the two are twins, Robbie isn’t as demon as his sister. Robbie is actually more of an angel. But he’s also pretty human, so his powers/abilities aren’t very obvious. Not at his current age at least. He doesn’t have many notable complications like his sister and father except one: his clumsiness. We will come back to that in a minute

Since Robbie is more angel, his angelic abilities are more easy to spot when they come out. So far, Robbie is able to activate two of his powers; his super strength and his super speed. Like his father, when these are triggered he can become very tired and dizzy since it requires a lot of his energy. His powers can be triggered very easily since he is very active and plays outside a lot. He typically triggers his super speed which can randomly cause him to speed up without much control. This is where his clumsiness comes from. When he goes too fast he tends to bump into things and hurt himself. For a while the parents didn’t see his clumsy nature as an angel or demon related issue until they saw it happen. ★NOTE: When they’re powers are triggered, their eyes will glow/get that big ass shiny glint depending on how much is being used. This is mainly prevelent in angels. The demon glow is much more obvious. But this is how they were able to spot when his powers were activated.


Forrest is the youngest of the three mista- I mean CHILDREN, only being two years old. Because he’s so young, he’s currently in the stage where his power level is basically unknown. But the parents suspect that he will be more of an angel since he adopted the cyan hair trait from his father (which we know now is a common trait in angels). But just because his power levels are unknown doesn't mean he doesn't have any.